Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lunch Time Wade

It's been a little bit between post, life got kinda busy i guess.  Anyway, one of the guys from work and I decided to go throw some poppers on one of the rivers on post last week and picked up a bunch of bass and bluegills.  I didn't take many pictures, cause i didn't want my phone to fall into the drink.

We waded probally a half mile upstream on a little creek, hitting anything with a overhang or deep little pools along the bank.  I found a group of them and pulled the first one in.  The second played with me for a little bit before throwing the hook and the thrid took off with my popper.  We had found that a white balsa wood popper was the key that day.  The other guy was pulling bass out along our route as well.  All were about 1.5 to 2 pounds.  Not a bad day on the river.

Last friday we went out to Medicine Park, Ok. and fished just south of the swimming hole.  We caught a couple good size bluegills and i caught a 14in catfish off of a black wooly bugger with a red head i tied the night before.  I didn't realize that cats would go for a wooly bugger but i fished it with slow steady retrive as close to the bottom as i could get.  Towards the end of our time we had a coupld of people watching us fish and i guess the fish decided not to play anymore after that.

I have also been super busy at the vise as well.  Gearing up for trout season in November, i have to decided to stock up on a variety of dry flies.  I have been tying a ton of Adams sizes 14, 16, 18.  I'll try to put up a picture of my dry fly box next week.  All comments are welcome. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Little bench time

Got some time over the weekend to get on the vise and tie some flies.  I tied the "One Trick Bunny" i saw in May's issue of Field and Stream (i think it was may).  I also tied some hybrid carp flies i got off of, as well as some pheasant tail soft hackles.  I really low on hooks and waiting for another order to come in tomorrow so i can continue to tie.

Just so everyone is tracking i live in Lawton, Ok.  So we only really get to fish for trout from November through March since that's when the state stocks trout in a creek about 20 min. away.  So most of my fishing is done on Ft. Sill testing out flies I've tied.  We have a ton of big bass, perch, crappie and carp.  I was able to hook up on a little bass today on the carp fly i tied just slow pulling on the bottom of a creek on base.  I would of taken a picture but my leader snapped and i pulled him out of the water.  Guess i really need to start using a net for landing fish.

Here is the One Trick Bunnies I tied.

This was the only picture i took of my tying time.  I'll get more up soon.  

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fly Bench

So here is a sample of what i got done last night.  I had some scrap wood laying around and figured i would give it a go and see what i could come up with.  I started with a single piece of plywood (roughly 24 x 12) as the base.  I used a 2x4 layed down flat on the back and split another 2x4 for the sides.  I drilled holes in the right side for my tools.  I added the lip on the back for a light so i can tie in the dark if the wife goes to sleep.  This what i have so far, but not done yet.  I plan on putting a nice wood stain and adding holes for thread and paints.  Its nothing fancy but will get the job done for now.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Welcome to My Blog......Gonna Make a Fly Tying Bench

Being an avid fly fisher and that there is nothing better than catching fish on flys that you've tied yourself, I am constantly tying flies.  Most of the time in the heat of my garage.  I have recently moved into the living room, but have found it very uncomfortable as the coffee table is low and it tweeks my neck.  So i will be building a tying bench, hopefully this weekend.  I shall post pics once complete.  More to follow.