Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lunch Time Wade

It's been a little bit between post, life got kinda busy i guess.  Anyway, one of the guys from work and I decided to go throw some poppers on one of the rivers on post last week and picked up a bunch of bass and bluegills.  I didn't take many pictures, cause i didn't want my phone to fall into the drink.

We waded probally a half mile upstream on a little creek, hitting anything with a overhang or deep little pools along the bank.  I found a group of them and pulled the first one in.  The second played with me for a little bit before throwing the hook and the thrid took off with my popper.  We had found that a white balsa wood popper was the key that day.  The other guy was pulling bass out along our route as well.  All were about 1.5 to 2 pounds.  Not a bad day on the river.

Last friday we went out to Medicine Park, Ok. and fished just south of the swimming hole.  We caught a couple good size bluegills and i caught a 14in catfish off of a black wooly bugger with a red head i tied the night before.  I didn't realize that cats would go for a wooly bugger but i fished it with slow steady retrive as close to the bottom as i could get.  Towards the end of our time we had a coupld of people watching us fish and i guess the fish decided not to play anymore after that.

I have also been super busy at the vise as well.  Gearing up for trout season in November, i have to decided to stock up on a variety of dry flies.  I have been tying a ton of Adams sizes 14, 16, 18.  I'll try to put up a picture of my dry fly box next week.  All comments are welcome. 

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